Compumentor and the Service

DiscounTech was an earned-revenue venture of CompuMentor, a nonprofit technology assistance organization. After two years of losses, DiscounTech was forecast to become profitable during the fiscal year (FY) ending June 30, 2004. CompuMentor was counting on these revenues to help to fund its own activities. It was now March 2004 and to achieve the current year’s goals (and the even more ambitious ones set for FY 2005), Masisak had to create a service that would positively impact the use of technology of an ever increasing number of nonprofits to assist them in fulfilling their missions. To do so, she had to attract and retain ever larger numbers of nonprofit organizations interested in obtaining deeply discounted technology products through DiscounTech’s distribution system. At the same time, she had to retain and expand the support of the companies that donated these products. Among her concerns was developing an appropriate communications strategy to acquire new customers.